Thursday, August 13, 2009

Letter to Senator Durbin

First, Senator Dipshit had one of his aids send me a letter in response to some questions.

Senator Durbin of Shitcago to me:

Thank you for contacting me about giving Americans the choice of a public health insurance option that will compete with private insurance plans.

I support a public option and appreciate hearing from you. I believe Congress should work to bring meaningful health care reform to American families. Health care reform should reduce costs for families, businesses and government; protect people's choice of doctors, hospitals and insurance plans; and assure affordable, high-quality health care for every American.

We are crafting a reform bill with these goals in mind. Those who like the health insurance they have will be able to keep it. However, a public option will provide a valuable alternative to today's private health plans for those who do not like their current plan or cannot afford coverage.

Too many Americans cannot afford the health plans offered by today's for-profit insurance companies. A public option will provide competition that will hold private plans accountable and help moderate the price of health insurance.I will continue to work for a reform plan that provides stable and secure coverage, stable and affordable costs, and better quality of care. A public plan is an important part of this effort.

Thank you again for contacting me. Please feel free to keep in touch.

The assholes in Washington don't know how to use e-mail - I couldn't just reply to the message. I swear, they make it so difficult to correspond with our "representatives."
I'd appreciate the reply if I knew it wasn't your aids who sent me a canned letter.

While you are crafting that "reform" bill - make sure you and the rest of the jackasses in Congress READ IT. You know how to read, don't you?

Seriously, if I thought you would do it, I'd ask you to resign since you obviously serve only yourself and no one else.

How about allowing our small businesses to prosper instead of providing government run shitty healthcare? Nope - instead you wish to tax us so we can pay for 8% of the nation that doesn't have healthcare.

Nope, instead you want to pander to special interests and give free health care to 8% of the nation while the rest of the nation pays for it. Why? So the illegal immigrant vote for you in the next election?

You and your pathetic "distinguished gentlemen" make me sick. You're useless morons that are concerned with touting the party line while NOT representing those in your district.

Die in a fire you useless, shallow piece of shit.
Sure, it's alittle grotesque...but who cares? It's not like they are doing that which is in the best interest of the people. 8% of Blacks & Hispanics need healthcare....great...why do we have to pay for it again? Maybe they should get jobs and pay for it themselves...Maybe fuckface would like to pay for it himself if he wants to give it up so badly. Perhaps vote that fat payraise to issue checks mailed directly to Mexico.

Liberals Have Short Memories

I guess all the signs calling for the death of Bush and his family were just "free speech."

None of the signs equating G. Bush with Hitler were ever referred to as "disturbing" and "mean" in the media.

Libs are attacking our free speech after defecating on our country for 8 years - stating that they had no free speech of their own.

What is this country coming to? According to libs, my Grandmother is part of the mob because she believes bigger Government can only make the healthcare system, and everything else, alot worse. This morning I read that Olberman thinks he's a reporter. Madness.

While threatening another man's life is no joking matter - it is obvious that the bar has been moved; the measuring stick is being applied with bias.

I lament the short memory of libtards and hypocrisy that is the libtard nation.